“I was so little, so sheltered, I didn’t understand what she was experiencing,” she continued. “Getting to witness it through this film – I just can’t express my gratitude enough. Thank you all for bringing my experience to life. I can’t express how much this film means to me. I will be holding it close the rest of my life. so much love.”
The note struck a chord with Florence, who shared a heartfelt message of gratitude to the commenter.
“It goes without saying that I am incredibly sorry for your loss, especially at such a young age,” she replied. “I can’t imagine the ways that it affects one’s life and the processing that inevitably comes for years after. It’s always the wish that my work speaks to someone, somewhere, feeling the same thing. To read just how much it meant to you is not only a privilege to hear, but feels like a gift knowing that it’s helped in some way.”