The Libyan Football Federation (LFF) has been charged with misconduct by the CAF Disciplinary Board in response to events that occurred during the AFCON 2025 qualifying match against Benin in Benghazi on November 18, 2024.
According to a statement posted on CAF’s website, the Disciplinary Board board met to discuss a number of issues and occurrences that occurred during the CAF Interclub Competition and the AFCON 2025 qualifiers before deciding to fine Libya.
The Board determined that the LFF had violated paragraphs 82 and 151 of the CAF Disciplinary Code due to the conduct of its officials and supporters both during and following the match against Libya.
In addition to being fined $50,000, the Libyan Football Federation was mandated to play its next two official national team games behind closed doors.
Following the suspension of the matchday 4 AFCON 2025 match due to an incident at a Libyan airport, the CAF Disciplinary Committee sanctioned Libya in October and gave Nigeria three points and three goals.
After spending more than twelve hours delayed at an airport in Libya without food or drink, Super Eagles players declined to play the qualifier against the Black Knights.
After an investigation, CAF declared on Saturday that the Super Eagles had been given the points and goals and that Libya had been fined $50,000.
Libya and Rwanda did not make it to the AFCON 2025 in Morocco, however the Super Eagles and Benin Republic did.