Kenyan Elite Junior Academy (KEJA) began their CAF U17 Girls Integrated Football Tournament (GIFT) campaign with a commanding 6-0 victory over South Sudan’s City Lights FC in their opening group match played on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at the Azam Complex.
Emily Adhiambo set the tone for the match with an early goal in the 9th minute. Flevia Khatenje doubled the lead in the 37th minute, followed by Jane Sakwa’s strike in the 42nd minute. Joan Ogola added two goals to the tally, scoring in the 45+2’ and 81st minutes, while an own goal by Alice Wilson in the 51st minute sealed the emphatic win for KEJA.
In contrast, the Kenya Academy of Sport (KAS) faced a tough start, suffering a 3-0 defeat against Tanzania’s JKT Queens in the tournament’s opener on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at the same venue.
Both Kenyan teams are set to return to action on Friday, January 10, 2025. KEJA will face JKT Queens in a top-of-the-table clash, while KAS will take on City Light FC as they seek to bounce back from their opening loss.
Currently, KEJA leads Group A with three points and a superior goal difference, followed by JKT Queens in second place. KAS sits in third position, while City Lights FC remains at the bottom of the group.