In a groundbreaking achievement, two alumni of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS), Magaji Abdullahi and Lukman Rabi’u, have designed and built a pioneering ten-passenger electric vehicle.
This remarkable project, sponsored by the university, showcases the duo’s exceptional creativity, perseverance, and innovative spirit.
The unveiling ceremony, held on January 18, 2025, at the UDUS campus, drew a large crowd of students, staff, and distinguished alumni.
The event marked a significant milestone for the university community, highlighting its commitment to fostering creativity, innovation, and national development.
Magaji and Lukman, both graduates of Education Physics from the Faculty of Education, conceived the project and submitted a proposal to the university administration, which was approved and funded.
Despite facing initial challenges, the duo remained determined and faithful, ultimately bringing their vision to life.
“It was tough initially, but I believe with God, everything is possible,” Magaji remarked. His sentiments were echoed by Dr. Saad, a former UDUS Students’ Union President, who commended the duo and encouraged students to emulate their dedication to innovation and excellence.
The electric vehicle, now the property of the university, serves as a testament to the institution’s dedication to promoting creativity and national development.
This pioneering achievement is poised to inspire a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs, solidifying UDUS’s reputation as a hub for innovation and excellence.
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