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Full Salvation By Grace Through Faith For Glory

by admin

verybody, praise the Lord! You know, I’m so happy today and I will tell you why. As we go from place to place, and hold Crusades, I have noticed that any day rain falls, and people are soaked with water, something special always happens, and this has been the case in several places.

There was a particular crusade in which rain fell. Actually, we were expecting the Governor of the State to come and we could not start at the right time and before he came, the rain began to fall. I just sat quietly because I knew that something spectacular would happen. So, the Governor came with his team and greeted his people and sat down.

As I was preaching, the rain was falling, even on my Bible, but I did not bother about it. Then I finished the preaching. I gave the altar call and counselors took the names of the new converts as we normally do. People would be wondering if I didn’t see them in the rain, but I know that rains does not stop miracles. Then, we prayed for all who needed miracles.

There was a young man who was in the crowd. In the morning, his father died, yet he packed his things and came to the Crusade, despite complaints from family members. They looked down on him by reason of his decision. After the salvation session, I told everyone who had challenges to raise their hands and prayed in Jesus name. At the final Amen, the father in the village woke up. So, anytime rain falls, I know that something spectacular is going to happen.

FAITH – Today, your faith will rise to the point that you will receive your miracles in Jesus name.

– GRACE – From today, the grace of God will flow into your life in an unprecedented manner.

– TRUTH – It will set you free and break every yoke in your life.


– POWER – Anything you need, the grace and power of God will flow into your life and I see the glory of God coming your way.

We are talking about full salvation by grace through faith for glory. Our heart is the center of our lives. When there is appropriate measure of blood in our hearts, it sends it to other parts of the body so they will function properly and every part of our lives will be active, healthy and strong.

Same for when you have full salvation, every part of your life will be in order, and you can live well. From your heart, salvation flows into your hands and you will no longer do what you used to do (stealing and other vices). When full salvation flows into your eyes, it changes what you read. It also affects your brain and you cannot plan evil with it. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, the feet walk, the hands act and the ears hear. Everything in your life is positively activated because full salvation is in you.


  1. FORETOLD SALVATION THROUGH THE PARDONING SAVIOUR BY GRACE (Titus 2:11-14; Luke 19:5-10; Romans 10:8-10)


This is the salvation that was foretold. Prophets and other people in Scripture spoke about it. God knew that you will be born at this time, and He wants you to be with Him glory at the end, so He made provisions for your salvation before you were born. All the water you will drink from birth till you leave, all the air you will breathe to keep you alive and strong was provided before you were born. All vegetables and fruits you will need to give you balanced diets and keep you healthy and strong till you leave this world have been provided for before you were born.

Everything Adam and Eve would need were provided by God before they were created. Thank God salvation is available for you, today is your day of salvation.

Titus 2:11-12 “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;” Salvation makes us sober and sensible. People around us are not sensible because they have no full salvation to transfer sense to their character, hence, they don’t have sense or common sense.

Salvation makes us live righteously, and it is available for all who ask it. It makes me happy when I remember that salvation was provided for me even before I was born, and it flows to my hands, eyes, ears and affect everything I do.


vs 13 “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” Without salvation, we cannot look forward to the blessed hope, everything will look hopeless. Even in this world, the future is hopeless. But now that salvation has come, and it teaches, guides, controls and guide you to the right way, you can now look for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our Lord. Christ will appear, He is coming and all who don’t have salvation have nothing to look forward to because He will come to them as a Judge.


But for those who have salvation in the heart, it flows to the mouth, affect what they listen to, what they say, think about, plan, imagine to do, their feet where they go in the night and all the time. They daily look forward to the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


vs 14 “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Jesus Christ gave Himself for us, and as we come, believing in Him, He gave Himself to us. He deposits something, His very blood into our lives. It becomes a small magnet while He is the great magnet. As magnets attract, when He appears in the air at Rapture, the magnet in us is drawn to His and off we go.


He does not leave us struggling by ourselves to be free from iniquity, He does this for us because He gave Himself to and for us and redeems us from all iniquities. He also purified us to Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. When you have Christ He makes you a peculiar person, He sets you apart and all those cockroaches, serpentine spirits, failure go aside from you in fear no matter where you are, whether in the village or in the city. You are peculiar because He washes you with the washing liquid of heaven – His blood.


He also makes you zealous of good works. People out there are zealous of bad, bad works, but you will be different from today because you won’t have interest in them anymore after you are saved, with your sins forgiven. And you have the power to resist going back to what you used to do – smoking, drinking and other wrong things.


Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”  Tonight, as you believe and confess with your mouth, your salvation is here.


  1. FULL SALVATION BY THE PERFECT SAVIOUR FOR GODLINESS (Hebrews 2:9-10: Luke 1:74-77; Acts 4:12,19-20)


Full Salvation will put joy in your heart, laughter in your mouth and excitement to live in you. Some people do not see anything to live for, but today, when full salvation comes to you, you will want to live.


Luke 1:74. Why is it that people don’t want to live? They look to the right and left, there is someone or something to fear. He or she could be a student, a teacher, poor/peasant, even a Captain of industries, despite his elevated position. The rich has something to fear, same for the educated, the poor, illiterate and others. Here comes Jesus to you, asking to take all your fears away so that you live without them. He will do it for you tonight, He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, any roaring lion in your community will be driven away. Christ came so He will deliver us from our enemies and serve Him without fear.


vs 75. What is the connection? Serving Him without fear in Holiness and righteousness before God all the days of our life. The people we fear are those who hinder us from living in Holiness. They are looking at us and we are looking at them. Because they are watching your every move, you begin to wonder what they are thinking about and how they will judge you if you stand up, so, you sit down.


You wonder what people will say and do if you tell them that you are saved, so, you can’t be holy. But when Christ sets you free from every enemy, and you have liberty, fredom and grace to do whatever you want to do, you live in Holiness and righteousness all the days of your life.


vs 77. You have the knowledge of salvation – you have accepted and live in it – then you pass it to others. As you get saved, everywhere you go, you will pass to others the knowledge of salvation for their salvation, and remission and forgiveness of their sins.


Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Jesus is our Saviour, whosoever shall call on His name shall be saved. You can go to the mountain, and fast for 40 days, there is no salvation there. You can go into the valley, and rub dust on yourself, no salvation there. You can go to River Jordan, and drink as much water as you can, but there is no salvation there, only in the name of Jesus. Call on Him tonight, and your salvation is definite and sure. I see Christ smiling at you, heaven is smiling at you, you will be saved.


  1. FINAL SALVATION IN THE POWERFUL SAVIOUR BEFORE GLORY (2 Timothy 2:10,19-22; Hebrews 2:10; Revelation 19:1,7-9)


Final salvation – this is the salvation that saved and translates us from earth to heaven. Glory in your life and heart! I see God holding the heavenly pen to write your name in the Book of Life if you come to Him tonight. I see Jesus looking down by the side of the Heavenly Father, telling Him to write your name.

“My name’s written there,

On the page white and fair;

In the Book of God’s kingdom,

My name’s written there.”


I congratulate you tonight and rejoice from the depth of my heart for you, that your name will be written in the Book of Life and you will get to glory.


2 Timothy 2:10 “Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” Why do we endure the rain? So that the elect will obtain salvation. You left your house despite the threat of the rain in order to obtain salvation.


Without wasting time, your salvation, forgiveness, eternal life has come and heaven is about to rejoice with you, and the Father is ready to write your name in the Book of Life so that you will be a partaker of the eternal glory.


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