Soldiers intercept bandits, rescue girl

Soldiers have intercepted a Toyota Sienna conveying bandits who were fleeing a security offensive in Dogon-Daji Forest in Kagarko LGA in Kaduna State and rescued an abducted 25-year-old girl, Mercy Ishaya, on the Abuja-Kaduna highway.

City & Crime learnt that the girl was abducted on August 28, 2024, in New Bwari community in Tafa LGA of Niger State, while her father, Godiya Ishaya, a businessman, was hit and left in the pool of his blood.

A family member of the victim told City & Crime yesterday that upon stopping the bus, “The girl immediately spoke out, telling the soldiers that she was abducted by the suspects and gave her father’s phone number to the soldiers.

He said the girl was taken to the hospital before reuniting with her family while the suspects were taken to a military barracks in Kaduna State.

The commander of vigilantes in Tafa LGA, Abubakar Hussaini, confirmed the incident to our reporter.


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