Sexually Laced Preinstalled Apps On Techno Phones: My Experience- By Ochudo Ayi

This morning I saw a NEWS update saying the #ChrislandSchool 10 year old had been relieved of all her social media access.

Her dad said since the saga broke out, they had completely blocked all access to a phone and deleted her Likee account which had 12,400 followers.

But he also said that since then, they had deleted at least 74 account impersonating her.

Which brings me to my pet peeve!

In 2019, the night before I was to travel to the UK , my Samsung phone suddenly acted up.

With no time to fix it, I got a techno phone and set it up before I landed.

The first unpleasant thing ( and they are a few) about the phone were these “VSkit and LIKEE” apps that kept popping. They were account handles.

I was shocked by the sexually laced content with titles like;

“Omg! See what this girl is doing with her teacher in class”

”I love you, please will you * me?”

I tried to delete the apps several times but it wouldn’t go because as I was to find out, the apps were preinstalled.

( Please do not assume that everyone knows how to get rid of unwanted apps).

I felt violated. Should apps like these not be downloaded by choice?

How come I haven’t heard any discussions around the kind of unsolicited access some of these phones LIKE TECHNO CAMMON provide?

Why will TECHNO pre-install without our consent, such sexual content violating our privacy and those of our children?

Worse, how many parents purchase these phones for their kids without realizing that their kids are being exposed to content like this?

How will our youth ever become sensible leaders when these companies connive with social media to ensure they remain distracted by rubbish, dirty, mind numbing, mentally eroding, character deforming soul corrupting and spiritually blinding entertainment?


My iPhone and Samsung did not come with these kinds of apps so until I got a techno, I didn’t realize the level of penetration that was possible.

Who knows if this is where our little Chrisland kids may have been mentored.

Imagine ….12,400 followers watching a child…..

I will not wade into the argument about the appropriate age to give a child a phone.

Dear Parents, Guardians, Proprietors and Heads of schools, Industry experts, Influencers, Coaches, Thought leaders, Advocates, Activists, and Enthusiasts…..

Is it possible for regulators of the telecom industries to revisit the agreements with Techno Apps and others like it?

Can modern schools advice on the type of phones that can be considered for children?

Can we demand that these apps and others like it be taken down from preinstalled agreements?

Can child-friendly phones be designed and made available by stake holders?

Can we have these conversations among others?

Can we?

I am not a child expert, an activist or a child-rights advocate. I am just an offended concerned parent trying to do something.

We cannot be working hard only for our efforts to pass through holes in the bucket.

Please tag anyone who should be in on these conversations or has access to authorities.

Can anyone with a TECNO CAMON confirm?

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